HomePetrone Group – Sustainability

Letter to stakeholders

We firmly believe growth can only be achieved if we have solid and concrete foundations, and therefore we are not just relying on results and financial solidity, but also on the commitment of people to social, environmental and consequently economic sustainability.
As a matter of fact, for the Petrone Group, the path adopted towards a sustainable business model is inevitably characterised by a governance based on the values of ethics and transparency, the active protection of the environmental sphere, the creation of shared values with the communities that participate in the Group’s business activities and, therefore, the protection and growth of the social sphere, which is a fundamental area for the production cycle of a company with such deep roots in the territory.

This first Sustainability Report is part of our long-term sustainable growth path and makes it possible to report, monitor and make commitments for the future in the area of sustainability, which has always been an integral part of our business strategy.

This path is focused on innovation and technological development, which are both enabling factors and decisive elements that allow us to face the challenges of the present and the future in an ever-changing context, in order to seize the opportunities and anticipate the risks

Raffaele Petrone - Executive Chairman


Excellence in processes, products and services. Petrone Group has embarked on a path of sustainable development on the themes of Environment, Social and Governance.

The main goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), incorporated into the Group’s sustainability strategy through a targeted action programme.

Training hours in 2022
% of workforce composed of women
% of additional employees under 30 years
% of total new employees under 30 years

Environmental Commitment

LEED SILVER certification

Petrone Group’s headquarters has achieved LEED SILVER certification, thus being ranked among the best eco-sustainable offices at an international level.

This recognition is the result of a long-term vision of applying concrete actions for change by implementing a sustainability-oriented approach at every stage of the management process.



For more than 20 years Ipe Business School, a leader in the field of training, has established a lasting partnership with the group in order to nurture new resources and attract new talent.


The Digita Academy offers training with customised projects to improve the skills of people.


The partnerships will enable young students from Campania to come together in an environment where they can learn new training skills with a view of finding employment opportunities in their home region in the best case scenario, limiting the brain drain wherever possible.

The company is also paying close attention to ‘neighbourhood’ issues, thus fostering integration with the surrounding area.


CAVE CANEM is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to change the fate of dogs and cats in distress and to foster an evolution in the human/animal relationship, thanks to co-planning models, training opportunities and socially innovative practices.


The Foundation is operational throughout Europe with objectives of great social impact as well as pursuing the value of inclusion: it involves men and women who provide energy and commitment for dogs and cats without families, while benefiting in terms of human growth and professional training with the Generation 4C project.


Petrone Group inaugurated its Academy in 2020, a dynamic platform that blends virtual and real spaces, which is designed to enrich and unite all members of the Petrone Group team. This initiative focuses on promoting professional growth through a series of advanced eLearning courses and strengthening team spirit through interactive meetings and targeted Team Building activities. Over time, the Academy has offered a wide range of courses, covering topics such as effective communication, leadership strategies, negotiation techniques, as well as practical courses in English and Excel. In addition, an in-depth work climate survey was conducted, which focused on capturing and enhancing employees’ values and aspirations, underlining Petrone Group’s commitment to an inclusive and motivating work environment.

Over the past few years, Petrone Group has supported the following Team Building activities for different departments and locations:

December 2023 – Wine Tasting, Petrone Group
September 2023 – Mediterranean Masterchef class, Petrone Group
June 2023 – Ti mando a quel paese, Petrone Group
May 2023 – Family Day FutbolBCN , Euromed Pharma Spain

September 2021 – Paint your company, Petrone Group

December 2022 – 1st Edition of the Padel Cup, Petrone Group
September 2022 – Italian Menu in BCN, Euromed Pharma Spain

Letter to stakeholders

We firmly believe growth can only be achieved if we have solid and concrete foundations, and therefore we are not just relying on results and financial solidity, but also on the commitment of people to social, environmental and consequently economic sustainability.
As a matter of fact, for the Petrone Group, the path adopted towards a sustainable business model is inevitably characterised by a governance based on the values of ethics and transparency, the active protection of the environmental sphere, the creation of shared values with the communities that participate in the Group’s business activities and, therefore, the protection and growth of the social sphere, which is a fundamental area for the production cycle of a company with such deep roots in the territory.

This first Sustainability Report is part of our long-term sustainable growth path and makes it possible to report, monitor and make commitments for the future in the area of sustainability, which has always been an integral part of our business strategy.

This path is focused on innovation and technological development, which are both enabling factors and decisive elements that allow us to face the challenges of the present and the future in an ever-changing context, in order to seize the opportunities and anticipate the risks

Raffaele Petrone - Executive Chairman


Excellence in processes, products and services. Petrone Group has embarked on a path of sustainable development on the themes of Environment, Social and Governance.

The main goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), incorporated into the Group’s sustainability strategy through a targeted action programme.

Training hours in 2022
% of workforce composed of women
% of additional employees under 30 years
% of total new employees under 30 years

Environmental Commitment

LEED SILVER certification

Petrone Group’s headquarters has achieved LEED SILVER certification, thus being ranked among the best eco-sustainable offices at an international level.

This recognition is the result of a long-term vision of applying concrete actions for change by implementing a sustainability-oriented approach at every stage of the management process.



For more than 20 years Ipe Business School, a leader in the field of training, has established a lasting partnership with the group in order to nurture new resources and attract new talent.


The Digita Academy offers training with customised projects to improve the skills of people.


The partnerships will enable young students from Campania to come together in an environment where they can learn new training skills with a view of finding employment opportunities in their home region in the best case scenario, limiting the brain drain wherever possible.

The company is also paying close attention to ‘neighbourhood’ issues, thus fostering integration with the surrounding area.


CAVE CANEM is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to change the fate of dogs and cats in distress and to foster an evolution in the human/animal relationship, thanks to co-planning models, training opportunities and socially innovative practices.


The Foundation is operational throughout Europe with objectives of great social impact as well as pursuing the value of inclusion: it involves men and women who provide energy and commitment for dogs and cats without families, while benefiting in terms of human growth and professional training with the Generation 4C project.


Petrone Group inaugurated its Academy in 2020, a dynamic platform that blends virtual and real spaces, which is designed to enrich and unite all members of the Petrone Group team. This initiative focuses on promoting professional growth through a series of advanced eLearning courses and strengthening team spirit through interactive meetings and targeted Team Building activities. Over time, the Academy has offered a wide range of courses, covering topics such as effective communication, leadership strategies, negotiation techniques, as well as practical courses in English and Excel. In addition, an in-depth work climate survey was conducted, which focused on capturing and enhancing employees’ values and aspirations, underlining Petrone Group’s commitment to an inclusive and motivating work environment.

Over the past few years, Petrone Group has supported the following Team Building activities for different departments and locations:

December 2023 – Wine Tasting, Petrone Group
September 2023 – Mediterranean Masterchef class, Petrone Group
June 2023 – Ti mando a quel paese, Petrone Group
May 2023 – Family Day FutbolBCN , Euromed Pharma Spain

September 2021 – Paint your company, Petrone Group

December 2022 – 1st Edition of the Padel Cup, Petrone Group
September 2022 – Italian Menu in BCN, Euromed Pharma Spain

Petrone Group s.r.l. a socio unico Sede Legale: Via 25 Aprile n.56 - 20040 CAMBIAGO (MI) Italia Sede Amm.va: Viale della Liberazione, 111, 80125 Napoli Italia Capitale Sociale euro 50.490,00 i.v. P.iva, C.F. e nr. di iscriz. al Registro delle Imprese di Milano: 05965480634 Tel: +390812415111 - Fax: +390812415247 email: info@petronegroup.com © 2006-2022 Petrone Group

Autoproduzione di fonti energetiche (FER)

L’autoproduzione di fonti energetiche rinnovabili (FER) per ottenere la migliore sostenibilità e prestazione energetica dell’edificio.


Le caratteristiche del sito, quali latitudine, disponibilità di energia solare, la forma dell’edificio e la sua relativa compattezza hanno rappresentato una grande opportunità per massimizzare l’autoproduzione di energia e raggiungere il risultato atteso in termini di efficienza energetica complessiva e sostenibilità.

Giardino Verticale

La progettazione e realizzazione del Giardino Verticale posizionato sulle pareti laterali della sede: è composto da 300 essenze arboree la cui irrigazione è consentita attraverso una centrala idrica elettronica.

Packaging circolare

Euromed Pharma Services Srl former STM pharma PRO si occupa di logistica per conto di  terzi ed è specializzata nell’attività di stoccaggio e distribuzione dei prodotti.

Petrone Group promuove e utilizza imballaggi che derivano prevalentemente da carta riciclata; ciò testimonia la continua attenzione del management sugli impatti diretti e indiretti delle attività aziendali, oltre alla qualità dei prodotti offerti ai clienti.

Auto aziendale

Nella sede Headquarter di viale della Liberazione in Napoli, l’azienda Petrone Group s.r.l. ha messo a disposizione di tutti i dipendenti l’utilizzo di una Fiat 500 elettrica.

L’auto aziendale è facilmente ricaricabile grazie alle due colonnine presenti nella sede.

L’obiettivo del 2024 è quello di implementare l’installazione delle colonnine elettriche in tutti i siti del Gruppo.

Riduzione del consumo di plastica

Il Gruppo, per ridurre l’utilizzo della plastica, ha distribuito a tutti i dipendenti dell’Headquarters una borraccia brandizzata, prevedendo una riduzione dell’utilizzo di bottiglie da mezzo litro pari a quasi 3.000 bottiglie in meno ogni anno.


Al fine di incentivare l’utilizzo delle borracce, sono stati installati erogatori filtranti a rete idrica della Società H2O ad ogni piano della Sede Headquarters.

All’interno dei distributori automatici delle nostre sedi i bicchieri in  plastica sono stati sostituiti con quelli in carta.