All postsAll-articlesEventNIAF’s 48th anniversary in Washington celebrated Italian heritage and culture

October 20, 2023by Giuseppe Cerase0

The event, highlighting Italian excellence, saw the participation of Massimo Petrone, a NIAF board member, representative of the American Chamber of Commerce in Naples, and board member of SHRO Italia 

At the SHRO-NIAF event, Massimo Petrone talked about the profound impact of AI in healthcare, its role in utilizing new and old-generation drugs, and its potential to expedite drug development. 

This year, on the 48th anniversary of the National Italian American Foundation, the board was invited to celebrate Italian American Heritage Day at the White House in Washington D.C. as guests of the first lady, Jill Biden. 

This year, Massimo Petrone participated on the 43rd anniversary of the National Italian American Foundation, the board was invited to celebrate Italian American Heritage Day at the White House in Washington DC, as guests of the first lady, Jill Biden

Giuseppe Cerase

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The event, highlighting Italian excellence, saw the participation of Massimo Petrone, a NIAF board member, representative of the American Chamber of Commerce in Naples, and board member of SHRO Italia 

At the SHRO-NIAF event, Massimo Petrone talked about the profound impact of AI in healthcare, its role in utilizing new and old-generation drugs, and its potential to expedite drug development. 

This year, on the 48th anniversary of the National Italian American Foundation, the board was invited to celebrate Italian American Heritage Day at the White House in Washington D.C. as guests of the first lady, Jill Biden. 

This year, Massimo Petrone participated on the 43rd anniversary of the National Italian American Foundation, the board was invited to celebrate Italian American Heritage Day at the White House in Washington DC, as guests of the first lady, Jill Biden

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